Bryceland's /The Baseball LabelCotton Short Sleeve ‘Skipper’ Polo Charcoalブライスランズ名品スキッパーポロチャコール34定価35,000円手洗いしたところやや縮んでしまったような…でも着心地風合いは抜群、自然に身体に馴染みますのでガシガシ着こなしてくださる方バトンタッチします。クラシカルなデザインをちょっぴりセクシー小粋に仕立ててしまうBrycelands&Co ならでは。素晴らしいサマーポロです。Our Skipper polo, a take on a classic knit polo, is a tennis shirt for cream flannels and white bucks - it's louche and elegant and intentional. It is short so it can ride on the waistband of our trousers, ribbed at the shorter, mid-bicep sleeve. The collar sits above a short woven placket, with a single cats-eye mother-of-pearl button and loop. The knit of the cotton is soft and draped and lush, in shades elegantly mottled rather than a flat, neon sign primary. While they are woven in Scotland, they are born for elegant summer days - with a hank at the neck and bloused short over a pair of wide-leg flannels, it's Cary Grant in To Catch a iconic piece of the mens wardrobe - a little sexy, a little cheeky -★生地の風合いの個体差・毛羽立ち等気にならない方