Raf simons ラフシモンズの20-21awのスタジャンです。デザイン性の高い鮮やかな紫と黄色っぽいラムレザーで着心地も良く中のキルティングによって真冬でも着ていただけます。Raf simonsとしてのコレクションも23ssで終了となり、今後も高騰していくアイテムだと思います。一目惚れして頑張って購入しましたが高額だったこともあり、2〜3回しか着ることができず社会人になって私服を着る機会が激減してしまった為出品します。日本で販売していた店舗は数少なく希少なアイテムだと思います。売り切ってしまいたいので値下げ交渉等気軽にコメントください。即購入も大歓迎ですThe bright purple and yellowish lamb leather with a high design make it comfortable to wear, and the quilting inside makes it easy to wear even in the middle of winter.The collection as Raf simons also ended at 23ss, and I think this item will continue to soar.I fell in love with matches fashion at first sight and bought it hard, but it was expensive, so I could only wear it 2-3 times, and the opportunity to wear plain clothes decreased dramatically, so I will list it I think it's one of the few rare items that were sold in Japan.Please feel free to comment on price reduction negotiations as we would like to sell out.Immediate purchase is also welcome.